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Whether you are riding your own motorbike or you have hired a motorcyclist to transport you, it is important that you have motorcycle jackets for safety. Motorcyclists have same rights as any other driver on the road and that is why it is important to adhere to all safety rules and regulations.


A motorcycle shares the road with trucks, cyclists, SUVs, and 18 wheelers, therefore safety cannot be ignored or taken for granted. One important safety measures that motorcyclist should observe is by ensuring that they always have safety jackets for them and their customers.


What to look for in a Motorcycle Jacket


Any time a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, arms, head and legs are most often injured. To protect your head, you need a good motorcycle helmet, while to protect your arms, you need safety motorcycle jacket. A good motorcycle jacket is made of:




When buying the jacket, check the seams at any sharp points in yours in your body like, elbows and shoulders. The jacket should also have heavy padding on the spine, shoulders and elbows. If you buy a jacket made of nylon or Kevlar, ensure it has reflective stripes.


When you but the jacket, first try it to ensure it fits you. If you buy an ill-fitting jacket, it may not help because in case of an accident, protective parts of the jacket may shift resulting to an injury. Again, don’t go for a very tight jacket, make sure it has a room for you to wear a sweatshirt or vest. If you are buying your jackets from online shop, then you can have a look on as this site has a wide range of different sized motorcycle jackets.


When buying motorcycle jacket for safety, go with your motorbike so that you can test if the jacket is long enough to cover your back while on your motorcycle. The sleeves should also be long enough to cover your wrists arms when they are on the handlebars.

If you live in year around warm weather, you are lucky. Look for summer-only jackets which are usually thin and highly perforated to allow ventilation but are still very protective.


Types of Motorcycle Jackets


When you visit a motorcycle shop that sells safety motorcycle jackets, you will be amazed to see the variation of design. As I have mentioned above, the jackets are mainly made of leather, nylon and Kevlar. All these jackets come in different colors and shape. There are also jackets for different weather, occasions and style of uses. Leather jackets are more popular and they may be plain, an example of jackets with emblems are Harley-Davidson logo.


Additional jackets are bomber jackets which have extra part of padding inside them, the extra layer makes the jacket more comfortable and pleasant to wear. These waterproof jackets are made from synthetic waterproof materials.


In conclusion, regardless of the type of jacket you buy, ensure it will give you maximum safety.